
Alphabetical Listing of Groups Posting Staffing Announcements

All new listings will be signified by during the first two weeks of posting!

AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations)

AFL-CIO (Researcher and Campaigner Resume Posting Service)

AAUP (American Association of University Professors)

AAUP (Rutgers Council of AAUP Chapters, AAUP-AFT)

AAUP (University of Connecticut Chapter, UCONN-AAUP)

AEA (Arizona Education Association)

AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees – Regional and International Positions)

AFSCME (AFSCME Council 57)

AFSCME (AFSCME Indiana-Kentucky Council 962)

AFSCME (AFSCME San Antonio Local 2021)

AFSCME (Council 4)

AFSCME (Council 28)

AFSCME (Council 31)

AFSCME (District Council 37)

AFSCME (Local 3299)

AFSCME (Local 4041)

AFSCME (Maryland Council 3)


ALU (Amazon Labor Union, IBT Local 1)


Building and Construction Trades Council of Alameda County

California Federation of Labor Unions, AFL-CIO

CAPE (California Association of Professional Employees)

CCA Metro (Carpenter Contractor Alliance of Metropolitan New York)

CCEA (Clark County Education Association)

CEA (Colorado Education Association)

CFMEU (Construction, Forestry, Mining, and Energy Union)

CFT (California Federation of Teachers)

CIR/SEIU (Committee of Interns & Residents)

CJNRC (Climate Jobs National Resource Center)

CLUW (Coalition of Labor Union Women)

CNA/NNOC/NNU (California Nurses Association / National Nurses Organizing Committee / National Nurses United)

CNA/NNU (California Nurses Association (CNA) / National Nurses United (NNU) AFL-CIO)

CPA (Chinese Progressive Association)

CSEA (California School Employees Association)

CSUEU (California State University Employees Union, SEIU Local 2579)

CTA (California Teachers Association)

CWA (Local 1036)

CWA (Local 1037)

DGA (Directors Guild of America)

Drivers Union (Drivers Union – Affiliated with Teamsters Local 117)

EBASE (East Bay Alliance For A Sustainable Economy)

Education Minnesota

FCFT (Fairfax County Federation of Teachers, AFT Affiliate Local 2401)

Global Labor Justice

HRCSF (Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco)

IAF (Metro Industrial Areas Foundation)

IAMAW (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers)

IBT (International Brotherhood of Teamsters)

IBT (International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 700)

IBT (International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Joint Council 7)

IBT (International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 2010)

IBT (Teamsters Local 456)

IEA (Illinois Education Association-NEA)

IFPTE (Engineers and Scientists of California, IFPTE Local 20)

IFPTE (International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 21)

ISEA (Iowa State Education Association)

IUBAC (Bricklayers & Trowel Trades International Pension Fund)

Jobs To Move America

KRC (Keystone Research Center)

LAANE (Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy)

LCV (League of Conservation Voters)

LERC (Labor Education and Research Center, University of Oregon)

LIUNA (Laborers International Union of North America)

MCEA (Montgomery County Education Association)

MCTF (Maintenance Cooperation Trust Fund)

Metropolitan Baltimore Council, AFL-CIO

MNA (Massachusetts Nurses Association)

MSEA (Minnesota School Employees Association)

MTA (Massachusetts Teachers Association)

MWC (Missouri Workers Center)

NATCA (National Air Traffic Controllers Association)

NCAE (North Carolina Association of Educators)

NCECI-LMCT (Northern California Electrical Construction Industry-Labor Management Cooperative Trust)

NDWA (National Domestic Workers Alliance)

NEA (National Education Association)

NEA (National Education Association of New Mexico)

New York State AFL-CIO

NJEA (New Jersey Education Association)

NJNU (New Jersey Nurses Union – CWA Local 1091)

NNOC (National Nurses Organizing Committee)

NNU (National Nurses United)

NNU/CNA (National Nurses United (NNU) AFL-CIO / California Nurses Association (CNA))

North Shore Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO

NTEU (National Treasury Employees Union)

NUHW (National Union of Healthcare Workers)

NYSNA (New York State Nurses Association)

NYSPEF (New York State Public Employees Federation)

OCCTA (Orange County Classroom Teachers Association)

OCLF (Orange County Labor Federation, AFL-CIO)

OFNHP (Oregon Federation of Nurse and Health Professionals / AFT Healthcare Local 5017)

ONA (Ohio Nurses Association)

ONA (Oregon Nurses Association)

OPEIU (Local 29)

OSEA (Oregon School Employees Association)

Our Revolution

PSC/CUNY (Professional Staff Congress, AFT Local 2334)

RS (Resilient Strategies LLC)

RUNAP (Rochester Union of Nurses and Allied Professionals)

RWU (Railroad Workers United)

SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild — American Federation of Television and Radio Artists)

SEIU (Service Employees International Union – International Positions)

SEIU (Local 26)

SEIU (Local 32BJ)

SEIU (Local 221)

SEIU (Local 284)

SEIU (Local 503, Oregon Public Employees Union)

SEIU (Local 509)

SEIU (Local 521)

SEIU (Local 721)

SEIU (Local 888)

SEIU (Local 925)

SEIU (Local 1)

SEIU (Local 1000)

SEIU (Local 1021)

SEIU (Local 2007)

SEIU (Local 2015)

SEIU (NEHCEU District 1199 New England)


SEIU (SEIU Education and Support Fund)

SEIU (SEIU Healthcare 1199NW)

SEIU (SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania)

SEIU (SEIU UHW West, United Healthcare Workers West)

SEIU (SEIU USWW, United Service Workers West)

SMART (Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union 9 Colorado)

SOC (Strategic Organizing Center)

TABCO (Teachers Association of Baltimore County)


TNG-CWA (The NewsGuild of New York, CWA Local 31003)

UAPD (Union of American Physicians and Dentists, AFSCME Local 206)

UAW (United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union)

UE (MIT Graduate Student Union – UE Local 256)

UE (United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America)

UFCW (United Food and Commercial Workers International Union)

UFCW (Local 367)

UFCW (Local 770)

UFCW (Local 3000)

UFR (United for Respect)

UFW (United Farm Workers)

UNAC/UHCP (United Nurses Associations of California/Union of Health Care Professionals)

UNITE HERE (Local 1)

UNITE HERE (Local 25)

UNITE HERE (Local 274)

UNITE HERE (Local 26)

UPTE-CWA (University Professional and Technical Employees-Communications Workers of America, Local 9119)

USW (United Steelworkers)

UWF (United Working Families)

WEA (Washington Education Association)

WGAW (Writers Guild of America, West)

WILL Empower (WE Innovate Labor Leadership)

Workers United (Chicago & Midwest Regional Joint Board of Workers United/SEIU)

Workers United (Workers United New York New Jersey Regional Joint Board a/w SEIU)

Workers United (Workers United Upstate New York)