
AFT Massachusetts

AFT Massachusetts

Staff Affiliated Political Organizer (SAPO)

Based in Boston, MA



Duties include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Organize members in AFT MA locals to build political power with our members by: coordinating legislative mobilization and political education programs that engage members; identifying, tracking, and training political activists; supporting endorsed candidates, referenda, and legislation and to maintain an active political structure.
  2. Increase local, state, and national COPE participation; work with national, state, and local leaders, AFT political department and other affiliate staff to implement robust, quantifiable program; assist AFTMA locals to establish Committees on Political Education (COPE) and provide assistance to our statewide and national COPE as well.
  3. Organize election events including phone banking, canvassing, planning rallies, voter registration and identify voters to win political races on the municipal, state, and federal offices.
  4. Collaborate with the National AFT and Massachusetts AFL-CIO in its efforts to build a broad-based coalition for political activity including plans to connect local, state, and national legislative and political priorities and secure resources via local, state and national programming, as directed and in coordination by AFT and AFTMA.
  5. Host in-district meetings with various legislators in our locals to help build political capacity.
  6. Identify members whose work or stories exemplify the values we fight for.
  7. Attendance at AFT and other trainings and meetings as assigned.
  8. Some out-of-state travel and/or assignments may be required at certain times.
  9. Completion of any other duties as assigned by the President or her designee.

College degree preferred. Experience in political organizing. Experience in education, library services or health care; experience in working for unions representing teachers and other educational personnel, librarians, or health care workers. Data driven and proficient in today’s internal organizing tools: Mobilize, Hustle, Action Network, Labor Action Network, Vote builder, Excel, Outlook, Google Drives, Docs, Spreadsheets.

The position includes a generous salary and benefits package in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement with the AFT MA Professional Staff Union.

This position is dependent on three-year grant funding and annual program evaluation from the National AFT and shall be renewed annually on June 30th if funding and approval has been secured from AFT for the following year. An annual reappointment must be made for continued employment.

Membership in the AFT MA Professional Staff Union is required within thirty (30) days of employment.

The AFT MA is an equal opportunity employer.

Deadline for application: Friday, March 28, 2025, at 5 pm.

To Apply:
Please send your résumé and cover letter via email to: Jennifer Daniel jdaniel@aftma.net

Posted 3/9/25

WHEN APPLYING: Be sure to indicate that you saw this information at UNIONJOBS.COM.